

De fet només la plaça de la Font és mereixeria un bloc, rollo neighbours. Aquí l'amic Pere va fer-me veure això que us mostren les fotos.

Per trencar el marbre i la reixeta del desguàs de l'aigua, hi cal molta pressió a sobre, no? Resistirà l'arbre encapsulat en aquesta gran torreta de formigó i marbre?

3 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Com teniu la ciutat, no? els tarargonins? :-)))

Anònim ha dit...

Well,Tarragona is a nice city!I've been living here for one day but it can be seen in many aspects that this city and its habitants need good polotical leaders because money is not everything i mean it is not enough to have money they should make good decision i know it is easy to say what is good and what is no.I think most important thing is that to have ideas and these ideas depend on the public how do they like it.If they do not like it they should tell to the Mayor or somebody who can makes something against wrong ideas!This site is very good because it can help to the Mayor what to do what is important!I experienced that many of people do not cared about the christmas lights on the roads!These people think that the local goverment should prepair the destroyed roads or sqares!

Anònim ha dit...

me cobran un dineral por un café y al menos podría disfrutar de una plaza bien arreglada en una Tarragona patrimonio de la humanidad, tan difícil es hacer pequeños arreglos que embellecen la plaza?